Sunday, July 17, 2011

CASEY ANTHONY: Danger lucking everywhere, outside the Jail!

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Jul 16, 2011 2:04 PM EDT /

Casey’s Angry New World

Casey Anthony

The acquitted murder defendant is going from jail to an environment that has more freedom and, paradoxically, more danger. Diane Dimond on Casey Anthony’s game plan.

Casey Anthony is about to taste freedom. But the sweetness of being outside prison bars for the first time in nearly three years is likely to turn real bitter real fast. A world of potential hurt awaits the 25-year-old former murder defendant, acquitted of taking the life of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, and dumping the baby’s body in swampy woods near the home she shared with her parents, George and Cindy.

“It’s obvious she is the most despised person in America,” says prominent Orlando attorney Mark Nejame, who provided hours of cable-TV commentary on the case.  “And especially in Florida and specifically here in central Florida. People are incensed, and many people have lost all sense of reason. They are very passionate about her acquittal. Her personal well-being is at stake.”
Casey Anthony likely can’t comprehend how deeply the animosity runs. When Anthony she steps outside the Orange County Jail in Orlando, her new reality will be stark. She might take the flurry of activity as befitting a celebrity: bright lights, eager reporters with outstretched microphones pressing toward her and crowds of noisy people being held back by security officers.
During her trial and jail-term, she reveled the media attention, which now could pose grave threat for her life or limbs!

Full Story at,

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