Saturday, June 18, 2011

Syrian Crisis! Syrian troops seize village near Turkish border!

Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

CAIRO — Syrian troops deploying tanks and heavy machine-gun fire took over a village in the country’s northwest Saturday, activists said, bringing Syria’s military closer to the Turkish border in an apparent bid to block an escape corridor to Turkey for refugees and defectors.
Rami Abdul-Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the takeover of the village of Bdama, just a few miles from the border, will stop food and water reaching some 2,000 displaced people in the mountains on the Syrian side.
Clashes between troops and anti-government protesters in the area began about two weeks ago and have forced thousands to flee their homes. More than 10,000 Syrians are sheltering in Turkish refugee camps across the border, rights groups say.
It seems Bashar Al-Assad is pushing Turkey into a position where they would declare war against Syria!

Full Story at,

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