Thursday, June 16, 2011

MAFIA: Central law to protect journalists on the anvil!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

Published: Thursday, Jun 16, 2011, 21:38 IST /  Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI / DNAIndia.

Taking lessons from the murder of investigative journalist J Dey in Mumbai recently, government today said it was planning to bring a central law to protect journalists.

Law minister M Veerappa Moily said that he has already directed the legislative department to prepare a draft bill to protect journalists and their properties, such as cameras.

"Dey's murder is a matter of grave concern. We need to have a sense of security among journalists," he said.

We already have enough criminal laws and one more law is not going to deter the mafia to kill more Journalists.

What we need a strong political will to eradicate the mafia and that is possible only when politicos, bureaucrats, businesses, stop pattronising them.

Full Story at,

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