Sunday, July 3, 2011

LOK PAL BILL: De-greasing India - By Farrukh Dhondy
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

  • “Flavour salt lassi with Worcester Sauce
    Mix Chaat Masala in your Bloody Mary
    Fry Madrasi keyley as a second course —
    When you hear the word ‘fusion’ be very wary”
    From The Hymns of Feromonus by Bachchoo
    At the beginning of the Anna Hazare agitation a young friend of mine wrote a piece in an influential space voicing his disapproval of extra-parliamentary action. He said Mr Hazare and his associates were resorting to blackmail. They should instead rely on the Indian democratic system to redress grievances. Laws should be made by the ballot box, which has the power to uproot the corrupt.
    Losing elections wouldn’t mean that these politicians ended up breaking stones at the President’s pleasure, but they could be further investigated and punished by the police and courts.
    There now seems to be a deadlock in the discussions on the Lokpal Bill and on questions of who should be given the power to do what to whom. My young friend is not alone and his argument has been variously stated. It seems to be the position of all constitutional fundamentalists and with some detail added, the position of the government representatives on the panel.

    When political parties and the Government of the Day fail to address the grave malady of the system activist will rise from among the people and raise the consciousness levels of the social evils and also forces the state to adapt appropriate measure to cure the gangrene!

    Full Article at,

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