Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lok Pal Bill: All-party meet likely on Lokpal!
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Lokpal committee meets in New Delhi - AP
Lokpal committee meets in New Delhi - AP.

With the issue of bringing Prime Minister within the ambit of the Lokpal remaining a ticklish affair, Government is expected to soon call an all-party meeting to seek views across the political spectrum.
This became clear today after a meeting of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi had with top party leaders favouring such parleys against the backdrop of widening differences between the government and the civil society representatives led by Anna Hazare on the issue.
Grappling with the issue and other sensitive matters like Telangana, the Congress Core Group headed by Gandhi met for today, the second meeting coming just after its two-hour long deliberations last night. Today's meeting also discussed Telangana problem.

While it is never too late to do the right thing, UPA has put the cart before the horse, literally, by constituting the Joint-Draft Committee on Lokpal, before the all party meet!

To eliminate any further discontentment, from any other pressure groups, a broad based public consultation too is essential before an acceptable Lokpal Bill is introduced in Parliament!!

Once, in place as we gain experience of it, further improvisations can be done through amendments!!!

Full Story at,

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