Saturday, June 18, 2011

WIKILEAKS - India Cables: NSG all set to up-end India's clean waiver!

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NOT MUCH TO SMILE ABOUT NOW: Shivshankar Menon (left), with U.S. Under Secretary Nicholas Burns and U.S. Ambassador David C. Mulford (right), during a break in their negotiations in 2007. India feels the U.S. is now about to
NOT MUCH TO SMILE ABOUT NOW: Shivshankar Menon (left), with U.S. Under Secretary Nicholas Burns and U.S. Ambassador David C. Mulford (right), during a break in their negotiations in 2007. India feels the U.S. is now about to "derogate" from the landmark nuclear agreement. Photo: V. Sudershan - The Hindu.

Proposed restrictions on transfer of sensitive nuclear items are a 'derogation', 'rollback' of U.S. commitments, Indian officials had warned
Barring last minute objections, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is set to approve new guidelines for the transfer of “sensitive” nuclear material that will do undo the hard fought “clean” waiver India obtained in 2008 from the cartel's restrictive export rules.
At stake is India's ability to buy enrichment and reprocessing technology and equipment (ENR) from NSG members. Under the terms of a landmark September 2008 agreement, the NSG waived its catch-all requirement of full-scope safeguards as a condition for supply in exchange for a concrete set of non-proliferation commitments by the Indian side. This agreement means NSG members are allowed to sell any nuclear equipment and material they want, including ENR, to India despite the fact that it does not allow international supervision over all its nuclear activities and is not a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Two months after that waiver — a product of the July 2005 Indo-U.S. agreement in which Washington committed itself to “work with friends and allies to adjust international regimes to enable full civil nuclear energy cooperation and trade with India” — the Bush administration threw its weight behind a bad-faith effort to remove ENR equipment and technology from the purview of the NSG-India bargain.
Trusting the US at its face-value is a mistake!

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