Saturday, June 18, 2011

US Cross, Afghanistan: in peace talks with Taliban: Karzai!

Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

The United States is holding talks with the Taliban, Afghan president Hamid Karzai said on Saturday, in what is thought to be the first official confirmation of such contacts. “Talks with the Taliban have started... the talks are going on well,” Karzai said, addressing a conference in Kabul. “Also foreign forces, especially the United States, are carrying out the talks themselves.”

The US-led war in Afghanistan is in its 10th year and there are increasing calls for a political settlement to the conflict.

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton earlier this year called on Taliban members to split from al Qaeda, renounce violence and accept the constitution so they can be reconciled to society.

If it serves their purpose, they wouldn't have any qualms to handover the Afghanistan to Devils!

Full Story at,

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