Sunday, June 19, 2011

Syrian Crisis: Syrian Army tightens grip near Turkish border!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

PTI / The Hindu. 

In this photo taken during a government-organised visit for media, Syrian Army soldiers ride on their military trucks in Jisr al-Shughour. File Photo
In this photo taken during a government-organised visit for media, Syrian Army soldiers ride on their military trucks in Jisr al-Shughour. File Photo - PTI.

Syrian troops are tightening their grip on villages near the Turkish border, setting up checkpoints and arresting dozens in an attempt to staunch the flow of residents fleeing into Turkey, activists said on Sunday.
Human rights activist Mustafa Osso said there were concerns that thousands of displaced people crowded near the border would come under attack in the coming days.
The fighting in the Jisr al-Shughour area in the northern Idlib province started nearly two weeks ago, and has displaced thousands of people, including some 10,100 who are sheltered in three Turkish refugee camps.
An estimated 5,000 more people are camped out on the Syrian side of the border with dwindling resources as the army tightens its grip on the area, hoping to remain in Syria and avoid refugee status.
Mr. Osso said military operations were under way Sunday in the villages of Bdama and Rihan near the border.
Bashar Al-Assad's despotic rule is perpetrated with brutal oppression;  how long can he hold on to power?

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