Saturday, June 18, 2011

Juhu Beach Headache: Final try to haul MV Wisdom back to sea tomorrow

Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

PTI / The Hindu. 

People watch cargo ship MV Wisdom at Juhu Beach in Mumbai on Saturday. Efforts are underway to tug away the vessel, which has become quite a spectacle at the beach.
People watch cargo ship MV Wisdom at Juhu Beach in Mumbai on Saturday. Efforts are underway to tug away the vessel, which has become quite a spectacle at the beach.

Efforts to salvage cargo vessel MV Wisdom, stuck on the Juhu beach for the past one week, were abandoned for the second day on Saturday after tug boats failed to haul it back into the sea.
Officials said a “last ditch” attempt to tow it back to sea will be made on Sunday. If efforts fail, operations will have to be suspended for a fortnight till the tides are high enough to keep the ship afloat to enable it to be pulled back to sea from shallow waters by tug boats.
Sources said the operation would resume after 2 p.m. on Sunday when high tide is expected.
The ship, which ran aground last Saturday, has to move by over 40 degrees from its current position for the tugs to start pulling it deeper into the sea. However, the 145-metre cargo vessel did not sufficiently respond to the salvage efforts.
“It moved by only 4-5 degrees today during the high tide which is the only time when the operation can be carried out. Tomorrow we have an outside chance and will make a last ditch attempt to salvage the ship,” Director General of Shipping S.B. Agnihotri told PTI.
If they can't do it Tomorrow, they will have to wait for another fortnight for the right level of tide!

Full Story at,

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