Friday, June 17, 2011

INDO-CHINESE ROW: Satellites to verify China's claim on Brahmaputra: India!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

June 17, 2011 / IANS, New Delhi / DC.

  • True, RoR Dams do not hold water nor they hinder the river flow into riparian states, but only wheel the water via the Hydroelectric turbine.

    The heated debates on Channels were uncalled for and the hot debates indulged in by some of the very hot debaters are all founded on unfounded doubts and half-baked knowledge, on the issue.

    while getting agitated to such possible threats is very much essential, one should be sure that their hue and cry is based on some valid doubts but not perceived ones!

    Full Story at,

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