Friday, June 17, 2011

India, China becoming core of global geo-politics: WTO chief!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

PTI / The Hindu.

World Trade Organisation Director-General Pascal Lamy speaks during a session at the World Economic Forum on East Asia in Jakarta on Monday.
World Trade Organisation Director-General Pascal Lamy speaks during a session at the World Economic Forum on East Asia in Jakarta on Monday - AP.

Nations which were on the periphery of the global landscape are becoming its core, thanks to the “unimaginable” role being played by fast-rising India, China and other emerging economies, WTO chief Pascal Lamy has said.

“With the change in the geo-political landscape, India, China and other emerging economies are playing a role which was unimaginable even 20 years ago,” Mr. Lamy said addressing the Panglaykim Memorial lecture in Jakarta on Tuesday.

He said in his speech, posted on the WTO website, that besides the key role being played by emerging economies like India and China, even smaller developing countries want a say in a system in which they have a growing stake.

Both should aim at not only full-blown economic growth but also all-inclusive growth, benefiting every stake-holder, along the line, which is lacking now and the gap between the 'haves' and 'have-nots' is growing by the Day!

Full Story at,

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