Friday, June 17, 2011

HEALTH SURVEY: Many Indians secretive about diabetes in U.K.: Survey!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

PTI / The Hindu.

Blood sugar test for morning walkers and senior citizens. File Photo
Blood sugar test for morning walkers and senior citizens. File Photo - The Hindu.

Over 40 per cent of people with roots in the Indian sub-continent with diabetes in the UK could be risking their health and experiencing emotional distress by keeping their diabetes a secret, according to a survey by leading health charity organisation, Diabetes U.K.
The survey of over 3,700 people with diabetes, conducted during Diabetes Week (12-18 June, 2011), found that 41 per cent of Asian people had either kept their diabetes a secret or it was still a secret, compared to 33 per cent of white people.
The prevalence of diabetes in Asian people is significantly higher than the white population living in the UK as South Asian people are six times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.
The survey also found that not talking about their diabetes had a greater impact on Asian people as 46 per cent felt this had impacted on how they manage their condition, compared to 27 per cent of white people.
As many as 37 per cent of Asian people also said this had impacted on their physical or emotional health, compared to 22 per cent of white people.

People should learn to realise that Diabetes is not contagious disease but a manageable one, with proper diet, exercise & medicine.

Opening up would enable us to exchange knowledge and motivation for the strict regimen of exercise, medicine and diet!

Full Story at,

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