Thursday, June 16, 2011

HEALTH, OLD AGE: Moderate exercise keeps brain healthy!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @

ANI / The Hindu. 

A new study has revealed that older people who regularly exercise at a moderate to intense level are less likely to develop the small brain lesions, sometimes referred to as ‘silent strokes’.

The study involved 1,238 people who had never had a stroke. Participants completed a questionnaire about how often and how intensely they exercised at the beginning of the study and then had MRI scans of their brains, an average of six years later, when they were an average of 70 years old.

A total of 43 percent of the participants reported that they had no regular exercise; 36 percent engaged in regular light exercise, and 21 percent engaged in regular moderate to intense exercise.

Good Read, for all!

Full Story at,

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