Friday, June 17, 2011

HEALTH & MEDITATION: Mind over matter!
Have you read, “Mayhem of the Miserables!” available @


Meditation has been established as a powerful tool for ushering in peace of mind and putting an end to stress and related maladies like tension headaches, premature ageing and chronic fatigue syndrome
If there is one thing that can travel faster than the speed of light, it is the human mind. From dawn to dusk, a jumble of chaotic thoughts crowd our subconscious, demanding our time and attention. This can affect the health and peace of mind.
Promoting healing
In simplistic terms, meditation is a kind of conscious relaxation—an inner journey towards calmness and tranquillity. According to information released by the Meditation Society of America, regular sessions can improve one’s I.Q., foster creativity and imagination; reduce blood pressure while promoting clear thinking and healing emotional scars and balance.
Meditation does not have to have spiritual or religious implications, nor even any rigid rules. Though there are different techniques, the American Journal of Health Promotion hails transcendental meditation as the most effective, since it can provide a unique combination of physical comfort and mental peace.
A study conducted by the journal Psychosomatic Medicine examined the health insurance statistics of over 2,000 people practising Transcendental Meditation over five years. It was established that those who had practiced this technique needed much less medical treatment during this time than others. This form of meditation is simple to master, requires no fancy props and can be performed with instant results from practically anywhere. This is probably the reason for its immense popularity across the globe, with nearly 10 million practitioners in 50 countries.
Fostering ‘Prana’, the life force................................................................................................................
Transcending the physical plane...............................................................................................................
A Good Read, for those who wish to practice!

Full Story at,

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