Saturday, June 18, 2011

HEALTH, Fitness Mantra: The early morning antidote!

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FITNESS WITH FUN: A morning game of tennis can keep you brisk all day. Photo: M. Moorthy
FITNESS WITH FUN: A morning game of tennis can keep you brisk all day. Photo: M. Moorthy - The Hindu.

Early birds claim that morning exercise holds a definite edge
‘Early to bed and early to rise' may not be everyone's favourite maxim, with some of us reaching out involuntarily for the snooze button on the alarm, every morning. But exercise freaks who are early birds claim they don't merely catch the worm first, but enjoy all the perks that come with it too.
When it comes to the question, which is the best time to exercise, ‘anytime' may be the generic reply. There are professionals and busy folks who claim zeroing in on half an hour anytime in the day is enough to fulfil their exercise quotient. But early morning exercise seems to be the clear favourite amongst exercise freaks across disciplines. Not just sportsmen and women, but for many, early morning exercise is an antidote to many ills, tensions and niggles.
“The results are never better than early in the morning,” asserts Prasanna Balaji, Physical Education Director, National College. “After eight hours of sleep, the body is well rested and fresh. The muscles can be strained to the maximum and endurance levels hit an all time high.”
Good stress buster........................................................................................................
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